Pet Sitting
How Our Service Works
When you call, a staff member arranges an initial consultation at your home shortly before you leave. This is so we can meet you and your pets, get detailed information about caring for them and pick up a key to your home.
During this visit, you decide when you would want your sitter to visit each day you’re away (dog visits minimum 3 a day and cat visits a minimum of 1 a day) and what services you want performed. Fees are based on the number of visits per day and services performed.
While you are away, we will:
- Provide loving attention and petting.
- Feed, water and exercise your pets.
- Give medication, vitamins and other special care.
- Get medical treatment in case of illness.
- Litter box care
- Water plants, bring in mail and make your home looked “lived in”
Pet Walking
We also offer Pet Walking for the pet owner who works long hours or if you are unable to exercise your pet for any reason.
Pet Taxi
We offer Pet Taxi Services for the pet owner who needs to have an animal transported to / from the Veterinarian or other location. Contact us for fees and requirements.
Expanded Services
- Special Services like Veterinary visit coordination also available
- Daily Pet walking and extended work day care
To Arrange for Service…
Please call at least a week before you are scheduled to leave town. During holidays and summer months it’s best to give at least a 2 week’s notice.